How to know the different ways to know the ages of cats

 How to know the ages of cats

There are several methods that can be followed in the cat to find out his age, and all of them give an approximate life expectancy, as they are not completely accurate, but the most important of them is to study the cat's teeth formation.
أسنان القطط A cat's teeth

A cat's teeth

Many people do not know that cats are born without teeth, and after a week of birth, milk teeth begin to appear, and after a few months they begin to replace them, as happens in humans; They fall out one after the other to be replaced by permanent teeth, and the number of milk teeth in the cat’s mouth is 26 years, and the permanent teeth are 30 years, and they are divided into incisors, canines, premolars and molars. Dental examination is considered the most effective and reliable way to test the age of the cat, as it is still in the stage of growth and development in young cats, while it is in the stage of wear and miscarriage in old cats.

By observing the teeth, it is possible to estimate the age of the cat
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Cat furs

Observing the fur helps to estimate the age of the cat due to its development as the cat gets older, and the following table shows the stages of fur development in cats:

فراء القطط واعمارها Cat furs

Cat claws

Cats can be distinguished on the basis of youth and age. As the cat ages, its claws become rougher, increase in length, and the accumulation of dead skin around them is noticed, and some cats also become unable to hide their claws. One of the signs of aging is broken and weak claws.

مخالب القطط Cat claws

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